Item List
AnkhRare drop off Pharoah Boss. Summons a Fireball from roof of world to your current location. Causes half-heart of damage per use. Cannot be used below 1 health.
Raw Fiber
Acquired by crafting a Fur pelt in a crafting table into leather. Four raw fiber can be crafted (Shapeless Recipe) into 1 string.
Structure Placer
Scrolls available only creative mode allow the player to place various structures. Hold and release right mouse buttton to place the desired structure. Note that it takes time to generate the structure after releasing button.
Fur Pelt
Item droped from vairous mobs. Can be crafted into leather.
Exposed Vanilla Potions: Jump, Haste, and Waterbreathing.
Four Unique Potion were also added:
Potion Ingredients:
Black Lichen: Used in Potion Ingredient Crafting Recipie
Pulp: Used in Potion Ingredient Crafting Recipie, Crafted from Paper
Salt: Used in Potion Ingredient Crafting Recipie
Antennae: Used for Blindness Potion
Shiny Bauble: Used for Tier 2 Potion, Found in Dungeon Chests
Talon: Used for Strength+
Plant Stalk: Unused
Bark: Used for Protection
Small Heart: Used for Haste/DigSpeed+
Large Heart: USed for Strength+
Gill: Used for Underwater Breathing
Ectoplasm: Used in Potion Ingredient Crafting Recipies
Frog Legs: Used for Jump
Rabbits Feet: Used for Jump
Prickly Powder*: Used for Thorns
Powder Slush*: Used for Cleanse
Glowing Goo*: Used for Curse
Small Unhealthy Heart*: Used for Digspeed-
Large Unhealthy Heart*: Used for Weakness/Strength-
Exposed Vanilla Potions: Jump, Haste, and Waterbreathing.
Four Unique Potion were also added:
- Slow fall: Limits the players vertical velocity and damage upon impact.
- Cleanse: Randomly Selects a potion effect affecting the player and removes it.
- Curse: Causes an random potion effect already effecting the player to tick again.
- Thorns: Similar to Thorns Enchant / Cactus armor. Attacking effected entity hurts attacker.
Potion Ingredients:
Black Lichen: Used in Potion Ingredient Crafting Recipie
Pulp: Used in Potion Ingredient Crafting Recipie, Crafted from Paper
Salt: Used in Potion Ingredient Crafting Recipie
Antennae: Used for Blindness Potion
Shiny Bauble: Used for Tier 2 Potion, Found in Dungeon Chests
Talon: Used for Strength+
Plant Stalk: Unused
Bark: Used for Protection
Small Heart: Used for Haste/DigSpeed+
Large Heart: USed for Strength+
Gill: Used for Underwater Breathing
Ectoplasm: Used in Potion Ingredient Crafting Recipies
Frog Legs: Used for Jump
Rabbits Feet: Used for Jump
Prickly Powder*: Used for Thorns
Powder Slush*: Used for Cleanse
Glowing Goo*: Used for Curse
Small Unhealthy Heart*: Used for Digspeed-
Large Unhealthy Heart*: Used for Weakness/Strength-
*Craftable Ingredients:
Most potion ingredients are found as mob drops. A few are crafted as below (all recipies are shapeless)
Pulp: Two are crafted by One Paper
Prickly Powder: Cactus + Pulp
Powder Slush: Bucket of Milk + Pulp
Glowing Goo: Milk + Pulp + Ectoplasm OR Powder Slush + Ectoplasm
Small Unhealthy Heart: Salt + Small
Large Unhealthy Heart: Salt + Large heart
Block List
Universal Flower Pot
The Universal Flower Pot is a Container Block styled after the vanilla entity. A single item can be placed in the pot and rendered. By default, this block replaces the vanilla flower pot. There is an option to disable that functionality in the configuration file. Blocks that use a tile entity will be rendered in their Item form.
The Tombstone is a sign-like block. Placing the tombstone opens a GUI to edit the text. The text can be edited after placing by right clicking on the block. On player death, a Tombstone will be placed at the location the player died if it is an air block with the death message of the player written on it. This feature is toggleable in the Config File.
Campfires can be placed on the ground. Emit light level 15. Once crafted, clicking on a unlit camp fire with coal will cause it to ignite. Similarly, clicking on a lit camp fire with water will cause the fire to go out.
By default, a Campfire will not burn entities walking across it. This can be toggled by setting the gamerule doesCampfureBurn to true.
The wooden campfire will spread fire in any direction except downwards while the stone Campfire will only spread upwards.
Note that any type of log is use-able, even the ExtraBiomes Ones, though they all must be of the same type. Red Cobblestone can also be substituted for regular cobblestone.
Limited Mob Spawner
Contained in Module: Dungeon
A Custom Mob Spawner functionally identical to the vanilla spawner with the obvious exception of having a GUI to control key properties. It can only be accessed when in Creative mode. It will also only function while in Creative.
Spawn Delay has an associated minimum and maximum which controls how long after a mob spawns that another mob will be spawned.
Activation Range controls how close a non-creative player must get to activate the mob spawner.
Max Nearby controls the maximum, of the current entity it is trying to spawn, can be nearby before it will try to spawn another one.
Max Spawn is a new property that controls the maximum number of creature will be spawned from the mob spawner before it will remove it self. Note that a value of 0 will spawn creatures indefinitely.
A mob spawner can be setup to cycle through several different creatures by inputting the creature full name and an associated weighted chance. The button marked by an ellipsis will toggle a scroll list containing displaying select able entities. The Option button will toggle the ability to select a sound to be played when the creature spawns.
Custom sounds can be loaded by placing .ogg files into the config/Project Zulu/CustomResources directory that is created on start-up.
Mob heads drop as a rare drop from their respective animals. They function near identical to vanilla skulls with the exception that they cannot be worn on your head.
Animals that currently drop heads are limited to: Armadillo, Bears, Beaver, Boar, Crocodile, Elephant, Giraffe, Gorilla, Lizard, Mammoth, Ostrich, Penguin, Rhino, Treeent, and Vulture.
![]() |
Spikes From Left to Right: Ivory, Slow, and Poisoned |
Even cooler is when they are placed on fences. When placed on wooden and nether fences they form small pikes that give the look of a palisade. On Iron Fences, due to their continuous surface, the spikes form a continuous strip in what reminds me of police spike strips.
Video Demo:
Creeper Blossom
These are spawn in forests at a rate of 1 in 100 Chunks. As the name implies walking over one will cause it to explode after a short delay. Sneaking will not cause an explosion.
Spawns naturally in plains and river biomes. Opens at night time and closes during the day. When open, glows at light level 9. Can be placed on dirt, grass, watered dirt, and tilled dirt.
Aloe Vera
Naturally spawn in deserts.
Image contains average time from one stage to other. Note actually plant has multiple intermediary steps like wheat for animating the growth.
This plants function is hard to explain. The Idea behind the plant is it is versatile and can produce a number of different outputs. But getting any of those things requires harvesting the plant and need to start the cycle from the beggining.
For example the plant will continuously produce string at a rate of 1 tumbleweed every 20 minutes, but if it is harvested for food the whole plant breaks and to grow tumbleweed will now take 40 min.
Use 1: Food
When Aloe vera is planted on a sand or dirt block it will place its excess water in the dirt/sand below it. Onece the watered dirt block is sufficiently watered breaking it will drop 3 water droplets (food akin to watermelon in nutrition) along with 1 dirt or sand block.
Use 2: Dandelion Yellow
The Top part of the aloe vera plant can be broken to drop 1 dandelion yellow. Note that every time tumbleweed grows it will break the top part of aloe vera and not drop a dandelion.
Use 3: Tumbleweed: Seeds/String
Tumbleweed is created in any adjacent space to the base of the aloe vera plant. It must have a solid block under it to form. Can only spawn when the top part of the aloe vera block is fully grown. Tumbleweed spawning will break the top part of the aloe vera plant.
Palm Tree
Palm trees naturally generate in rivers and beaches and by the Oasis Structure. Palm Tree leaves have a chance to drop coconuts and palm tree saplings. Coconut seeds will only grow on the top part of a palm tree. (Top side block of tree below leaves). Palm Tree Naturally orient themselves to nearby water when spawning (will be vertical if no water is nearby).
Coconut can be broken with sword to get coconut milk, coconut shell, and coconut seed. Coconut milk is a food similar to . Coconut shell can be used to make a bowl (same recipe as wood). Coconut seed can be planted on top part of a palm tree. (Top side block of tree below leaves).
Currently not available in Survival. It is in the creative inventory. Functional similar to cobweb. Looks like regular sand.
Naturally spawn in deserts.
Image contains average time from one stage to other. Note actually plant has multiple intermediary steps like wheat for animating the growth.
This plants function is hard to explain. The Idea behind the plant is it is versatile and can produce a number of different outputs. But getting any of those things requires harvesting the plant and need to start the cycle from the beggining.
For example the plant will continuously produce string at a rate of 1 tumbleweed every 20 minutes, but if it is harvested for food the whole plant breaks and to grow tumbleweed will now take 40 min.
Use 1: Food
When Aloe vera is planted on a sand or dirt block it will place its excess water in the dirt/sand below it. Onece the watered dirt block is sufficiently watered breaking it will drop 3 water droplets (food akin to watermelon in nutrition) along with 1 dirt or sand block.
Use 2: Dandelion Yellow
The Top part of the aloe vera plant can be broken to drop 1 dandelion yellow. Note that every time tumbleweed grows it will break the top part of aloe vera and not drop a dandelion.
Use 3: Tumbleweed: Seeds/String
Tumbleweed is created in any adjacent space to the base of the aloe vera plant. It must have a solid block under it to form. Can only spawn when the top part of the aloe vera block is fully grown. Tumbleweed spawning will break the top part of the aloe vera plant.
Palm Tree
Palm trees naturally generate in rivers and beaches and by the Oasis Structure. Palm Tree leaves have a chance to drop coconuts and palm tree saplings. Coconut seeds will only grow on the top part of a palm tree. (Top side block of tree below leaves). Palm Tree Naturally orient themselves to nearby water when spawning (will be vertical if no water is nearby).
Coconut can be broken with sword to get coconut milk, coconut shell, and coconut seed. Coconut milk is a food similar to . Coconut shell can be used to make a bowl (same recipe as wood). Coconut seed can be planted on top part of a palm tree. (Top side block of tree below leaves).
Currently not available in Survival. It is in the creative inventory. Functional similar to cobweb. Looks like regular sand.
the game freezes when i kill a aligator