The World save configuration style was abandoned. Now instead of fighting between a world and master save folder there is only one user configurable save folder where changes need to be made.
Finally a few new tags were added; modSpawn, players, origin. ModSpawn calls the regular entity getCanSpawnHere method: allowing users to easily add additional considerations to how entities would regularly spawn. Players allows evaluating the number of players within a certain range. Origin is a range tag that evaluates based on the distance from the world spawn.
BiomeGroup files prior to v0.8.0 are no longer valid. The groups themselves can be with minor changes.
The referencebiomes list is gone, replaced with packagenamemappings. Allowing you to map the complex packages names to a shorter version. Instead of writing "" you can write "Beach". The mapped name can be changed to any valid string, duplicated are ignored. They are case sensitive.
The allgroups property is gone and replaced with customgroups. The main change is that the default biomegroups (1 for each unique biome name) are always created. They can still be disabled by removing all biomes from the group; any group with no biomes will not be declared and will not show up in the entity CFGs.
World Save Configurations
The World-Master configuration pattern is abandoned. Instead the SaveConfig.cfg in WorldSettings contains a Save_Name property for each world which controls where it looks for and saves settings. Defaults to world name, allowing for backwards complete compatability. Multiple worlds can use one folder by setting the save nam eto the same.
There is also an import name option, which is used only when the Save_Name folder is missing. It will COPY the files from the import name to the Save_Name folder. This pattern should be more user friendly. Deleteing the Save_Name folder causing an import, deleting the contents allows them to be generated fresh.
There were a few new tags and tweaks to old ones. The ModSpawn tag which is only valid for the livinghandler spawn parent tag. It calls the default entity spawn method. It is, as is normal of new tags now, both chainable and invertable. Format is simply ':modspawn'.
The second tag added was the Players tag. Searchs for a number of players within a certain range. Both min and max search range and number of players are settable. Format is ':player,minSearch,maxSearch,min#,max#'.
Light and Torchlight tags are now invertable.
The last new tag is the Origin tag. This is a range tag in the same vein as light or torchlight.The difference is that it checks the distance from the entity to the spawn point instead of the light level. It is both invertible and chain-able. Format ':origin,minDistance,maxDistance'.
Along with the origin tag some improvements were added to the light and torchlight tags. They are now invertible. And an issue in the range colculation for cases where min was greater than max was fixed. The ranges are now as follows:
When max>min, range is min->max.
When min>max, range is max->+INF & -INF->min.
JAS now requests FML to load it after everything. This should resolve issues with JAS not clearing certain mods spawnlists.
The issue where the blockRange rag was not considered valid tag for spawning should be resolved.
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